Facing the spread of infections with the new corona virus, our office had already implemented several measures to ensure the safety of our staff and the lag-free continuation of our operations, such as staggered work hours. We have now decided, with few exceptions, to let all our staff members work from their home office (“telework”) from 01 April until 31 May. Communication with our clients will be continued as detailed below:
- In order to contact our patent attorneys or attorneys at law, please call their mobile number or email them directly. If you do not have the necessary contact data, please call our reception desk under +81-3-5220-6500. The operator in charge will get you in contact with your competent professional.
- Besides phone calls, web-based video conferences (via Teams, Skype, etc.) can be arranged at any time.
- Electronic applications and other proceedings before the Japanese Patent Office can be conducted by our professionals via telework.
- Our Beijing and EU offices continue their operations by telework as well.
- Please be informed that all deadlines before the Japanese Patent Office and Japanese Courts remain unchanged. Our staff will continue to supervise these deadlines for you.
- In case of emergency or other cases which require contact with the representatives of our firm, please contact Mr. Felix Einsel (+81-80-3128-6481, einsel@se1910.com).